Product Reviews - Living World Mesh Wheel

Description: Mesh exercise wheel available in 3 sizes.
RRP: £
Available from: Petshops
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Review 1 of 2

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Price: £
Score: 9/10

This wheel is a must if for mice! You can get it in three different sizes, purple being the smallest or ‘mouse’ wheel, however I found it far to small for my adult mice and use it for younger ones, a green hamster wheel, which is quite large so I use it for my adult mice, and a massive blue rat sized wheel. The thing that’s great about the wheels is that they are designed like the traditional (but dangerous) spoked wheels but are made of mesh, so little mousey tails and feet can’t be caught. They are easier to clean than the solid-plastic wheels, and are much, much more roomy. In the green wheel, I can usually find two or three adult mice running on it at the same time! The only reason why I have given it a 9 instead of a 10 is that it starts to squeak quite soon after you’ve bought it. However, a little vegetable oil fixes it so that it becomes silent again.

Reviewer: Morgan

Review 2 of 2

Place Purchased: Local petshop
Price: under £5
Score: 7/10

Great wheel because it is cheap and takes up hardly any space. However it is too small for adult mice. It is great for my baby mice though.

Rated 7/10 because they are easy to clean yet squeak all the time. Even after oiling.

Reviewer: Crazymouse

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