Product Reviews - Critters Choice Chube

Description: Safe and long lasting cardboard tube available in a range of sizes.
RRP: Regular £0.90, Large £1.25, Extra Large £1.90, Giant £2.15, Jumbo £3.99
Available from: Petshops
Buy Online: Yes

Review 1 of 6

Place Purchased: Pets at Home
Price: £1.39
Score: 9/10

This is a long-lasting cardboard tube, and is surprisingly resistant to getting soggy and soaking up smells, so mine has lasted forever. The mice love chewing it and never manage to destroy it at all.

Unfortunately, because it’s cardboard, it can’t be cleaned and I do feel now that toilet roll tubes work just as well and are free! If the niche wasn’t filled by toilet roll tubes, this product would be wonderful.

I give it 9 out of 10 for what it is and how durable it is, although I wouldn’t buy it again while I can get loo roll tubes for free!

Reviewer: Vicki_of_Abno

Review 2 of 6

Place Purchased: Petsmart
Price: $1.99 small, $2.99 Medium (US) - aprox £1.07 & £1.60
Score: 10/10

These cardboard tunnels are heavy duty and last a long time. They are bigger than a toilet paper roll and are a lot thicker. My mice love them and spend hours crawling in them, sitting in them, and tearing them apart. This is a great product and I highly recommend it.

Reviewer: Dreamstar380


Review 3 of 6

Place Purchased: Pets at Home
Price: Can’t remember
Score: 8/10

I bought this chube at the weekend, I can’t remember the price but I think it was quite cheap. It comes in a range of sizes, right up to rabbit size! I seems to be very durable and even comes with a wee bit of nesting material inside. Its aesthetically pleasing with its bright colours. The only thing is that toilet roll tubes work just as well and they are free! However, they don’t look as nice or last as long.

Reviewer: Sqeakz


Review 4 of 6

Place Purchased: Pet shop
Price: Ranged from £0.99 to £7.99
Score: 10/10

These are fun and chewable and can be used for sleeping in or storing food in or as runways. They are safe and come in a variety of sizes to suit all pets.

Reviewer: Tagalong


Review 5 of 6

Place Purchased: Local Petshop (but by parents not me)
Price: £1.40
Score: 4/10

I was bought this toy but thought it was a bit dubious with it’s long-lasting claims. However I did think that if it lived up to all of this it would benefit other pet owners due to the availability in petshops.

The tube is designed to last a good while and as such doesn’t absorb wee and smells as easily as other cardboard items do. However it didn’t prove as long-lasting as had been suggested by others, it seemed like the wee was absorbed without it sagging and thus smell still occurred.

I won’t be buying this toy myself (although will use it is given) as it’s pretty much a waste of money. Loo rolls pretty much do the same job and are much cheaper whether or not you use the sheets yourself first or not! Added to this as part of the price of the toy you are paying for unsafe cotton wool bedding which heads straight to the bin.

Reviewer: Acapae


Review 6 of 6

Place Purchased: Wilkinsons
Price: £0.99
Score: 9/10

This is a great buy as it lasts longer than toilet rolls and seems to smell less after use! The size of the chube is bigger than ordinary toilet rolls, meaning larger mice like multimammates can fit through easier. The chube itself is thicker too so mice cannot destroy it quite so quickly. Although it does come with that awful unsafe nesting material (which is thrown out) I’m happy to buy more of these.

Reviewer: Lau200


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