Product Reviews - Super Pet Grass House

Description: Ball nest made from dried grass.
RRP: £2.50
Available from: Pets at Home
Buy Online: No

Review 1 of 3

Place Purchased: Pets at home
Price: £2.50
Score: 9/10

This item is great for mice as it is made from all natural products which means it is safe to chew and even eat. The idea is that mice tear the grass house apart to make their own nest, but my mouse Mortimer just slept in it as it was. In fact for two days it was the only place he would sleep! He also seemed to enjoy climbing on it. The globe shape means mice feel enclosed and safe - with numerous exits out of the house. Unlike my gerbils, Mortimer didn’t rip it to shreds in five minutes, which makes it good value for money. However the metal used to give the house it’s shape causes me worry, as it could pose a potential danger, but as long as the house is replaced before too much metal is exposed, this product seems safe. I love this product.

Reviewer: Lau200


Review 2 of 3

Place Purchased: my local pet shop
Price: $4.50 (Australian)
Score: 8/10

Roll-A-Nest-Tube, 6 holes
I found this item to be very popular with my mice. It has 6 holes, one on each side of it, and my mice love climbing all through it and over it, also eating it lol. I found it’s a great activity for them and they also sleep in it as I found my mice having little naps in there.

The only bad points I found was, my mice did fight over it, though it probably is just my mice I’m not sure though, and the only other bad point was for me is that it’s messy and taking it out of the cage, putting it on my bed or taking it some where around the house would leave a little mess behind though I don’t really mind as its only a little bit of grassy material that’s easy to clean up. Also it takes a bit of room up, but if it wasn’t as big as it is I don’t think my mice would have enjoyed it as much.

I think it’s brilliant, and it only costed me $4.50 (Australian dollars) from my local small pet shop, but I’m not sure where else it’s stocked. I give this item an 8 out of 10!

Reviewer: Anonymous


Review 3 of 3

Place Purchased: Wilkinsons, online
Price: £2-3
Score: 8/10

This is a great nest or toy as its made entirely of natural fibres, being constructed of a ‘wooden’ frame with woven dried grasses making up the walls. It has three openings, two at the sides and one on the top. Being very cheap, the mice can get through loads with no big cost to you. It helps provide roughage, and to keep their teeth down.It also provides two nests or toys, one being the actual roll-a-nest, the other being the box it comes in. It can cause some minor injuries, mainly scratches so overall I think its a great toy for our mice, both in and out of the cage.

Reviewer: Ephaniah


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