Product Review - Happy Pet Play Stix

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Review 1 of 3

Place Purchased: Pets At Home
Price: Small £1.99, Medium £3.99, Large £5.99
Score: 7/10

The Happy Pet Play Stix is a log bridge made of wooden ‘logs’ connected together with stiff wire so that the bridge can be bent into a continuum of shapes.

The Play Stix is a convenient way to provide access to anything in the cage that is just a bit too high for a mouse to reach. I have used it in the past to provide access to things like wheels and water bottles that, in many cages, have to hang clear of the cage base. I think it would be particularly useful for mice with mobility problems who might not be up to leaping up to reach things but could manage a gentle stroll up a log bridge. Also, I feel its rough surface is useful for keeping claws short, and I often ensure that my spiny mice have to walk on it regularly by positioning it under an essential item such as a water bottle for this reason - but opinions may vary on this matter. If nothing else, I think providing a variety of surfaces to walk on is a nice, if subtle, way of enriching a mouse’s environment.

As well as being a bridge, it also functions as a hideaway, and is small enough to pop into a medium-sized carrier to give mice a bit of privacy if they have to be in there during a cage clean or car journey. It also makes a great chew toy, and my spiny mice have particularly enjoyed stripping the bark off the logs.

The Play Stix is too short to bend into any shape other than a simple bridge, so it’s not all that versatile. Also, since it is made of wood, it will need regular soaking in hot water and vinegar if your mice are prone to peeing on it, unless you feel inclined to japlac/plastikote it. However, this is easily done.

It’s not the most exciting of toys, but I think the Play Stix is a very useful addition to any cage since it functions as both an access bridge and a hideaway. It’s okay value for money, and I would definitely recommend it as a basic item to consider getting when kitting out a new cage.

Reviewer: Cub


Review 2 of 3

Place Purchased: Pets At Home
Price: £1.99
Score: 7/10

These are great. The mice like hiding under them and sleeping there, or using it as a hiding and stashing place for food. They also like climbing it and running over it like a bridge. Its also good for chewing on.

Only downfall is its untreated wood so can smell fast from the mice weeing it. Alot of soaking in hot water is needed once it gets to smelly.

Over all a great little toy for many uses by mice.

Reviewer: Mousemommy


Review 3 of 3

Place Purchased: Wilkinsons
Price: £1.49
Score: 9/10

These are great toys because they can bent into various different positions keeping mice entertained for hours. These are made from wood, which keeps my chewers happy but they last for ages. The only real issue I have with them is that as they are wooden they tend to soak up pee but by painting them they last far longer. They are not as expensive as other toys on the market and as they come in different sizes, larger animals can use them too.

Reviewer: Lau200


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