Product Reviews - BedXcel

Description: Dust extracted corrugated cardboard squares
RRP: Around £5 per 20kg bale
Available from: List of suppliers
Buy online: Yes
bedxcel review

Review 1 of 3

Place purchased: Russell’s Country Store, Larbert Mill, Falkirk
Price: £5.25 for 20kg
Score: 9/10

y”Recycled cardboard horse bedding. (Scotland’s equivalent of Ecobed)

Plus points:

Very economical, 1 bale will last for ages.
Very absorbent
Environmentally friendly
Provides stimulation (mice like to carry it around)

Negative points:

The individual squares look too big for mice
Odour control is not as good as Megazorb

This is my bedding of choice for rats, but as anyone with male mice will know; odour control features high on the list when considering mouse bedding/litter. I tend to use BedXcel for my mice every now and again, or add a handful to their nesting material as they really seem to enjoy moving all the squares around the cage, and tunnelling through it.

Reviewer: Squeaky

Review 2 of 3

Place purchased: McCashes, Perth, Scotland
Price: £5.25 for a bale
Score: 9/10

Plus points:

Its nice and cosy for them
Mice love to bury themselves in it
Mice love to pick it up and carry it around
It’s 2 in 1 An activity or toy plus bedding and nesting materials
Can be used for most other critters
Isn’t dusty at all
Fairly Absorbent
Recycled so its Environmentally friendly
Recyclable so Environmentally friendly
Cheap and 1 bale lasts for a long time

Negative points:

Not the most absorbent bedding in the range
Not so good for smell-free cages
It can get irritating when the mice start posting the squares through the cage bars!

Fab for female, nesting and young mice, even if you just add a little for the mice to play and nest with. Not so good for smelly adult male mice. It’s cheap, recyclable and you don’t need to go buying loads of different beddings for loads of different rodents. I really like this bedding and it is certainly my favourite!

Reviewer: Sqeakz

Review 3 of 3

Place purchased: Was given to me to try out
Price: -
Score: 8/10

All the critters really seemed to enjoy this bedding! The mice would make HUGE nests with it, the rats would fling it everywhere, and the chinchillas would eat it! *lol* It has a bit of an odd smell, but you don’t tend to notice any nasty critter stinks and it soaks up wee very well!! During the weekly clean, I just tipped the soiled bedding into the bin and it all came off with nothing really to brush off. Seems a bit difficult to get a hold of though.

Reviewer: Amalthea

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