Product Review - Back 2 Nature

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Review 1 of 2

Place purchased: Jollye’s
Price: £2.99 for 6L
Score: 10/10

This substrate is like paper-based cat litter but marketed for small animals. The pieces are smaller and less dusty than carefresh. I have found it soaks up well and doesn’t seem to have a strong smell to it. So far I have no complaints about it except I wish there was more for your money!

Reviewer: Lau200

Review 2 of 2

Place purchased: Local petshop
Price: £2.99
Score: 9/10

This substrate is great!

It’s very soft, light and pliable cat litter making it ideal for little furries to dig about in. It’s one of the least dusty substrates I’ve used so far and is incredibly absorbant to the point where the product itself has virtually no smell and there is no ammonia smell from the mouse cage even the day before clean-out.

The only problem with back-2-nature is the price as it’s very expensive. You can maximise how far it goes a fair bit by fluffing it up in handfulls in the base of the cage as opposed to just tipping in. What I have done is mix it in 30-50% with cardboard bedding as the two combined still have the above benefits, without stretching your pocket too much.

Reviewer: Acapae

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