Product Review - Aspen

Description: Absorbent reptile and small pet substrate made from shredded Aspen wood
RRP: aprox £3.50 per kg
Available from: Pet shops
Buy Online: Yes

Review 1 of 1

Place Purchased: eBay (unable to find any locally)
Price: £25.45 (for 13.6 Kilos)
Score: 8/10

My mice really enjoy this bedding, making nest and tunnels. It controls odour really well and has a nice smell to it. I mix mine with cardboard type bedding and they both soak up wee very well. When it comes to cleaning it can become a bit messy because it’s difficult to handle.

This bedding is similar to wood shavings but is made of a hard wood. The bag last me a couple of month (depending on how many times I clean out the tanks and how much I use). I will definitely be using this bedding in the future and encourage people to switch from pine/cedar wood shavings to this, its great!

Reviewer: Mr Me


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