Cage Cleaning

How often your mouse cage will need cleaning will depend on what type it is, how many mice are in it and the type of litter you are using, although a good basic rule of thumb though is to do about once a week. Spot cleans may well be required in between as well, for example replacing soiled bedding, washing any fabric items and cleaning the corner used for urinating. This is important as by the time you begin to notice any unpleasant smells from old urine or droppings, they will be releasing ammonia which your mice will be breathing in. This is not to be confused with the musky smell from male mice as this is not ‘dirty’ but their natural scent and necessary in order for them to feel secure.

In an enclosed cage such as a tank smells will build up quicker so it is extra important to keep it clean. A good absorbent litter will help with this but daily removal of obvious solid waste and the corner your mice urinate in is the best defence against ammonia build up. It may also help to have wipeable, ie plastic, toys rather than wooden or cardboard ones as these will absorb urine and can be difficult to get clean.

I tend to do a full clean of my main cage about every 5 - 6 days but change the newspaper on the shelf, some of the tissue bedding and wipe the wheels round every other day. The cage of my male mice gets a full change of litter once a week and bedding every 3 or so days but never at the same time as the litter so that their smell is never completely removed from their home. Over-cleaning the cage of a male(s) will actually make the male odour worse as it encourages them to scent mark all the more.

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