
Updates updates

Thought it was about time for an update on how everyone is doing. :)

Well unfortunately one of the new foster boys has had to be separated from the group already, he got very aggressive with all the other four and won’t even play nicely with them on neutral ground now so he’s living alone for the moment. Health wise he is great though, bright, active and has a super shiny coat so I’m really happy with him (other than his behaviour lol!).

Of the other four from that group three are now looking pretty good and have settled well but the littlest one is giving me cause for concern. He’s several grams lighter than the smallest of the others, is a bit sneezy and also has a bit of a sticky eye, bless him. Given his age I don’t want to rush in with antibiotics but we will have to see if things don’t improve. He’s really good at letting me wash his eye though and is so sweet, he spent quite a bit of last night snuggled down the front of my top - guess its nice and warm down there! :lol:

As for everyone else we seem to be doing alright at the moment. Poppy and Dot have grown so much they are almost the size of the other girls now and are getting on great with the group. Hard to believe I had problems introducing them all now I often find all seven in one bed together! Indium’s ears are distinctly less red too so I’m only bathing them every other day now, which is good as ear problems have a tendency to escalate. Hope I haven’t spoken to soon on that front!!

But generally things are pretty good here for the moment. :D


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